The sound of it is driving, energizing.
And upon really listening to the lyrics
I immediately thought
“I wish I’d written this song.”
The perennial Salieri in me aches at the mastery
so many others seem to easily display.
I want to kick some of them in the shins
and swear at them for not knowing
they even have such gifts.
What right do they have to
not squeeze every ounce from those talents?
to disrespect those unearned gifts,
letting them sit upon the psyche’s shelf
collecting dust
Still, I’m thankful there are some out there
who do know what they have
and what they have to do,
doing it perfectly
making me wish I could, too.

[apologies to the artist who produced this picture. I lost the exact page name where I found it and welcome any suggestions on proper attribution more accurate than Until then, I can only say this image is not mine.]
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